Friday, March 25, 2016

Répondez vous, s'il vous plaît!

The RSVPs are returning, with every day an excited rush to meet the mailman to see who we will hear from next. Our box is filling up as well as our happiness meter, as we see more and more family and friends mailing to let us know they can share the happy day with
Ann and Seth. 

As plans continue to take shape, the happy couple has taken some time to create a "wish list" of items they would be excite to have at Bed, Bath & Beyond ( ). They were a little late to the game creating this, but once the invitations went out, folks kept asking, so they buckled down and got it done 😊 

So, the target date to return your RSVP is APRIL 15! Don't delay and miss your opportunity to have your card take its rightful place in the special RSVP box!

That's it for now - the serious countdown will begin April 15!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

The things we do for love ...

Wedding planning ... What a challenge!  Next to building a house together, I can't think of anything that does more to stress and challenge a relationship.  Ann and Seth are no different than any other couple as they feel the pains of working together to make an event that they will remember fondly for a lifetime. To help them have a feeling of control and create another little memory, here is how I've decided to pitch in (enjoy!):

The bouquet has special significance - the white and yellow roses are for Ann, her dad her two brothers and her mom; the three blue roses are for Seth, his brother, Matt, and me. It's kinda my subliminal way to remind everyone that the most important reason that they are going through all their planning is to join each other and their families into a new loving family unit ❤️